Our Volunteers

A dedicated group of volunteers have come together to develop and help Compassionate Ottawa achieve our Vision for our City. They are members of our Advisory Council and volunteers who carry out a variety of roles including leading and serving on our 14 teams, facilitating our workshops and carrying out other tasks. They are listed below in alphabetical order.

Lew Auerbach
Rick Baker
Charles Barrett
Lorrie Beaton
Nicole Beauchamp
Lise Beauchemin
Sheryl Bennett-Wilson
Sam Bhargava
Uttra Bhargava
Michel Bilodeau
Amy Boudreau
Nick Busing
Paul Carrière
Sharon Carstairs
Louise Charron
Nirmala Chopra
Claudia Chowaniec

Erica Claus
Tara Cohen
Marie-Caroline Colar
John Cosgrove
Michelle de Courville Nicol
William Dafoe
Anne DeButte
Janet Dunbrack
Trevor Eggleton
Mac Evans
Martha Fair
Marie-Claude Fleury
Stephen Giles
Francine Gougeon
Kelsey Groulx
Louise Hanvey
Jackie Holzman

Benoit Hubert
Diane Hupé
Mary Lou Kelley
Onno Kremers
Lise Labine
Suzanne Laplante
Louise-Anne Laroche
Nicole Laroque
Léo-Paul Leduc
Alcris Limongi
Jane MacDonald
Laurel Mackenzie
Patricia Marsden-Dole
Cal Martell
Graham Mayeda
Linda McCallum
Jack McCarthy

Leslie McDiarmid
Tom Megginson
Gisele Microys
David Millen
Aynsley Morris
Théonille Mukabarasi
Hilary Murray
Rahma Muse
Sylvie Nadon
Michael Namer
Masoud Nematollahi
James Nininger
Julie Parent
Monica Patten
Lise Andrée Payette
Jennifer Philips
Marion Rattray

Claudette Roy
Erinn Salewski
Carol Seaby
Julia Sneyd
Jean-Pierre Soublière
Diane Stephenson
Lynn Stoudt
Lisa Sullivan
Norm Tape
Bonnie Tompkins
Michel Tremblay
Chandra Vaidyanathan
Frank Wiley
Kaltoun Yussuf

Our Partners

Compassionate Ottawa is committed to working with partner organizations in carrying out its work. We are honored to be working with the organizations listed below.

Our Supporters

We are grateful for financial support from a number of organizations and individuals. While some have asked to remain anonymous, others are listed below.

Project Funders

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